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Property Management

ABN: 60 154 057 164


“Simplifying the property management experience and looking after your investment for you”

Thane Property Pty Ltd offers the security that market knowledge, experience and honesty can provide.


We have a smaller portfolio than some other agencies, which allows us to concentrate on our level of service and communication between landlords and tenants, to achieve the best results and outcomes for all parties.


Property Management is a specialised area of real estate practice.

  • It deals with complex issues such as:

  • Diversity of property types.

  • Constant and evolving change to legislation and government requirements.

  • Managing tenants and their payments.


This is why you should choose your property Manager very carefully.

What do you get for our Fee*?

  • Initial property condition report and photos

  • Lease renewal

  • Home opens

  • Advertising

  • Routine inspections and reports

  • Final bond inspection

  • Insurance claims

  • Annual Financial summary

  • Tenant enquiries

  • Organise trade quotes


*Our management fee is 10% plus GST, with no additional costs during the lease, administration costs,
petties and postage are also included.

There is a once-off standard Letting Fee of TWO weeks rent plus GST, per tenant lease.


Property team


Ask us for an appraisal today


How often do you do inspections?

We do inspections every 3-4 months on your rental property and complete any re-inspections as ad when required to ensure your property is well maintained.

Do you offer a flat fee option for landlords?

Yes we do, we often find the flat fee option is very appealing in comparison to sporadic fees plus add-ons which most property managements offer. Our fee structure is very competitive and we have both options of flat fee as a percentage or a fee plus add-ons.

This website is published by James Andre Thane and Thane Financial Planning PTY Ltd.

James Andre Thane AR No. 320345 and Thane Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AR No. 424655 are authorised representative of Wealth Today Pty Ltd (ABN 62 133 393 263) AFSL 340289

The information contained in this website and any of the resources available through it including eBooks, fact sheets and seminars (‘Content’) has been prepared for general information purposes only and is not (and cannot be construed or relied upon as) personal advice. No investment objectives, financial circumstances or needs of any individual have been taken into account in the preparation of the Content. Financial products entail risk of loss, may rise and fall, and are impacted by a range of market and economic factors, and you should always obtain professional advice to ensure trading or investing in such products is suitable for your circumstances. Under no circumstances will any of [Corporate Authorised Rep name] Pty Ltd, [Licensee] Pty Ltd, its officers, representatives, associates or agents be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct, incidental or consequential, caused by reliance on or use of the Content. This content is restricted to Australian residents and is for the intended recipient only. From time to time [Adviser name] [and/or] [CAR name] Pty Ltd representatives or associates may hold interest in or transact in companies or products mentioned herein, and may receive fees or other benefits, in connection with the making of any recommendation or facilitating a transaction in such companies or products.

James Andre Thane AR No. 320345
Thane Financial Planning Pty Ltd
AR No. 424655
Authorised Representatives of
Wealth Today Pty Ltd AFSL 340289


James Andre Thane ACL 393186
Thane Finance Pty Ltd

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